Powerleveling SPECIAL PRICE OF 180$ BOTH CHARACTERS⚪2-Char Aran & Shade Hyper Burning Bundle⚪ Powerleveling to Lvl 260 ⚫

  • Reminder: We do not provide services for buying/selling safely. Our best recommendation for conducting actual trades, especially large ones or account ones, is to use PixelMarket.net.


May 22, 2022
São Paulo, Brazil
The best way to enjoy the The Dark Ride event's Hyper Burning is through the BBean's Powerleveling Service.

⚪Reboot Kronos/Hyperion service!⚪

By ordering this job, you will get:

➡️Your Aran and/or Shade leveled up to Lvl 260;
➡️Main equipments with Star Force and proper potentials;
➡️Bossing runs for equipments and mesos;
➡️Free Arcane Symbols' Quests and Monster Park runs;
➡️100% handmade service (any kind of ensurance you need to feel safe about the service can be provide).

⚪Speficic level ranges' prices:
➡️1-220 - $30 USD⬅️
➡️1-235 - $80 USD
➡️230-260 - $130 USD
➡️245-260 - $100 USD
➡️1-250 - $140 USD

➡️Both characters 1-260 bundle SPECIAL PRICE ➡️➡️➡️$180 USD⬅️⬅️⬅️

➡️Full Hyper Burning 1-260 individual special price ➡️$100 USD⬅️


⚪Note: The most usual payment methods is half at the beginning of the service and half at the end, or 1/3 every 2 weeks. :)⚪

Contact me through PixelMarket chat or discord

My discord is: bbean__

Deadline: 20 days estimate per character.


➡️I ALWAYS log in with "Invisible Login" on
➡️The service's price is per hour.
➡️Contact me before order the job.
➡️Info accs is necessary.
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