Welcome to my post, in the image below you will have all the official prices of all the services we provide to the client... Take your time and for much more below there is detailed information the dagger can reconfirm by the discord
The service will be carried out to humanity itself, in a legitimate way, DO NOT USE any type of third program such as macro, Multihack, and exploits, etc ... 100% safe! Guaranteeing with security, that all our services are legitimate in every way, with proofs photos or videos in the process of work, within our reach if the client demands it.
Remember... He is a human being behind a computer for hours without rest guaranteeing his client a job on the perfection of what is required
And for your approval, if it is only required, we will be sending you screenshots or photos in real time of the work.
Accepted as a preferential payment type BINANCE ,BLOCKCHAIN, AND COINBASE All kinds of cryptocurrencies and tokens with stipulated payment ( No commission charge for the transfer of payment in advance ) and zelle
IMPORTANT: By purchasing any of my services, you agree that:
The payment will not be refunded. We can change the paid service for other types of service.
NOTE IMPORTANT: Accepted Paypal ( Having to pay commission in advance. so that the payment arrives complete to what is required of the work )
NOTE IMPORTANT: Since our work is intense for days and hours without rest at the time agreed by the client, this next clause opens, the client will have the right to access their account daily as a time limit of 2 hours per day, at any An existing and important case is for "EVENT OR DAILY", if the limit of what was agreed is exceeded, a penalty of 3 dollars will be opened to pay for, in case of non-payment, the work will be stopped at the moment until the continuous penalties are concluded. Since there have been too many cases where the work is delayed due to said problem in which the client enters his account for more than 48 hours, and there are days lost from work, REMEMBERING that in this service there is a professional staff behind complying with what was agreed upon by the client's order. RESPECTING THE AGREED WORK SCHEDULE TO AVOID DELAYS AND PENALTIES, MAKING IT CLEAR THAT WE ARE SERIOUS AND CARE ABOUT OUR CUSTOMER
Discord: skynetx
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