Server Reboot NA.
We have the best prices in the market.
Must know Mechanics before running
If Applicable I will be taking more than 1 person (Lotus, Damien, Lucid, Will, Gloom, Darknell, Verus Hilla),
These drops are "Instanced" meaning each person gets their own set of drops
To Insure those who get drop Priority, they will be the Party leader and set it to "Party Leader Loot Only"
All Drops will to go buyers, If Anything goes wrong I will take responsibility!
Black Mage
Experienced only or login needed dm for details !
Include the following chances of loot:
You only get box armor or box weapon
Black Mage : $100

Hard Lomien (Lotus + Damien) : $15
Experienced only or login needed dm for details !
Include the following chances of loot:
You only get box armor or box weapon

Hard Lucid : $15
Hard Will : $15
Experienced only or login needed dm for details !
Include the following chances of loot:
You only get box armor or box weapon

Chaos Gloom: $15
Hard Darknell: $15
Verus Hilla : $15
Experienced only or login needed dm for details !
Include the following chances of loot:
You only get box armor or box weapon

Chaos Slime : $20
Include the following chances of loot:

Chaos Pierre: $2
Chaos Von Bon: $2
Chaos Queen: $2
Chaos Vellum: $5
4 door CRA bundle: $8
Daily Hellux : $4
7 Runs of Hellux : $17
Normal Arkarium : $7
Chaos Pink Bean : $7
Chaos Papulatus : $10
Princess No : $12
If you need another service write me to the discord
The reservation is made with advance payment.
Payment method
Discord: new_4ge
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